About Rinki
About us
We are a service company for producer organisations in the packaging sector, for companies with producer responsibility and for all Finnish people. Together with producer organisations, we ensure that sorting packaging is easy for consumers and that implementing producer responsibility is easy for businesses.
For consumers, we offer the Rinki eco take-back point network for the collection of packaging waste. It is easy for consumers to take their sorted packaging to Rinki eco take-back points across Finland – from Hanko to Utsjoki.
Companies that pack products or import packed products to Finland are obliged to take care of their producer responsibility. Alongside with producer organisations, we offer companies efficient and sustainable solutions for handling their producer responsibility. Companies only need one contract to handle their producer responsibility for packaging.
- Our core competencies are competitive tendering and efficient organization of collection, transport and recycling services, packaging statistics as wella as customer service related to producer responsibility and consumer communications.
- We work closely with producer organisations.
- Our guiding principles are reliability, cost-effectiveness, service-minded attitude, expertise and usability.
- Our operations are based on knowing the needs of our customers as well as our highly motivated and competent staff. We are committed to continually improving our operations so that we can meet the needs of our customers.
- We manage our operations with an ISO 9001 quality management system. We are committed to the principles of the standard.

Our owners
Rinki is a service company owned by the Finnish industry and trade. The associations founded Rinki so that, together with producer organisations, we can take care of the effective implementation of producer responsibility. Rinki is owned by:
- The Finnish Grocery Trade Association
- The Finnish Food and Drink Industries’ Federation, ETL
- The Finnish Forest Industries Federation
- The Finnish Plastics Industries Federation
- The Finnish Packaging Association
- Federation of Finnish Commerce
- The Chemical Industry Federation of Finland
- Lasikeraaminen teollisuus LT ry
- The Federation of Finnish Technology Industries
There are two packaging producer organisations in Finland, Finnish Packaging Producers Ltd and Sumi Ltd. Producer responsibility for packaging is financed by recycling fees collected from companies with producer responsibility. The fees are decided by the producer organisations.

25 years of recycling
Finnish Packaging Recycling RINKI Ltd is a non-profit service company owned by Finnish industry and retail trade and founded in 1997. We have been around since 1997 – for a quarter of a century.
Our responsibilities
Customer service for companies with producer responsibility
- We market the effortless implementation of producer responsibility and joining producer organisations to companies with producer responsibility.
- We offer customers advice on questions related to producer responsibility and help with reporting.
- We invoice customer companies for the recycling fees decided on by the producer organisations as well as Rinki’s customer fee.
Collection of packaging data, registers and reporting
- We maintain a register of companies that have joined producer organisations, collect packaging data from producers and compile mandatory statistics.
- We report to producer organisations according to the contracts and to the authorities as per statutory requirements
Collection of consumer packaging
- Together with producer organisations, we design and implement the Rinki ecopoint packaging waste collection network for consumers
- We collect information about the collection of packaging materials from properties from municipalities and municipal waste facilities.
- We report on the implementation of consumer packaging collection to producer organisations
Communications and advocacy
- We communicate to consumers and companies about the sorting and recycling of packaging waste as well as producer responsibility and preventing litter.
- We offer information on sorting to consumers.
- We advocate for the interests of companies with producer responsibility together with our owners and the producer orgnaisations.
- Customer Companies have the right to use the RINKI trademark, registered by
Finnish Packaging Recycling RINKI Ltd, according to these rules.